Saturday, January 31, 2009

Events of Late

So, I recently left Okinawa, for a much colder, sandier place. I left on 13 Jan but didn't arrive until over 2 weeks later! Yeah, my itinerary was all messed up, but the important thing is that I arrived...finally. The best part was upon arrival, when I found out that I didn't have my luggage! That's right! They didn't pull my bags out of the pile that was continuing on to another location! Needless to say, my first day on station was NOT fun. If you'd asked me I would have sworn the universe was against me that day. Good news though, they found my bags yesterday, so I should get them sometime before the end of the month...or maybe two, knowing the military.

Anyway, I've been here for about 3 full days now, and I'm starting to get acclimated to things again. I am familiar with the base, which makes things really easy! The food is still the same, which isn't great news, but I wasn't expecting anything different. The best improvement has been to the Morale Center. They have computers that have web cams and instant messengers installed on them! SAnd I have access to all the sites I need for free now! Last time if I wanted to go to Facebook or whatever I had to pay to use contracted internet. So that's a nice surprise!

Oh, so today is now officially my one day off. I got off work 2 hours ago and am ready to fall asleep, but I'm blogging instead. It's really been the first opportunity I've had since I left. I hope to make a regular habit of it though, at least while I'm here. We'll see if I can keep it up!

Other than that, I'm just getting used to this life again. The 12hr shift, 6 days a week, life. The wake up, go to the gym, go to work, go to sleep, and repeat life. Actually, I haven't started going to the gym yet. I just haven't been enthused. I think I'm probably discouraged right now because I have a cold. Yeah. I like that reason.

Til next time...


Anonymous said...

Okay, so there are SOME things that are not against you in the universe, eh?:) It'll get better, and before you know it, you'll be back home with your bbf!!
Love, Ma

Rebecca said...

So what city/island are you in now? How long will you be posted there? Don't you hate learning curves that slap lessons of patience and humility on you?!I hope you find your niche quickly and enjoy it!

Llekieh said...

Ha, I found it again.... So, if you have free access to FB or your email, how come you haven't gotten back to me yet? It's been like 9 hours. J/k, but you always say you want to keep up the conversations/blog and I see from your last post that "keeping it up" means no more than every 2 weeks. Good luck with that.
