I first tasted this recipe (or a variation of it) last year when my mother made it. She made it with different beans (it calls for garbanzo) but I really loved it. So, eventually I bought the recipe book myself in order to make it for Dave and I. I had intentions to make it over a month ago, and actually had all the ingredients way back then. However, I never had the energy or time to go through the whole process. It takes quite a while to make...sauces must reduce and eggplant must bake twice, and the whole mixture must bake again. I'd say it took about 2-3 hours in all. But, it was totally worth it.
During the process of making the moussaka, Dave got a hankering for hummus. So he started making that, with our Cuisinart (thanks Ma!).
He added some sun-dried tomatoes (oh how we love those) this time, and it really made the spread awesome!
All in all our Memorial Day weekend (a 4 day, I might add) was really relaxing and just what we needed. A break like that was looong overdue! Yeah, I know we're going on vacation soon, but it's not the same. This break helped us settle down a bit, before the (possibly stressful) trip, which was necessary because Dave was still pretty stressed out from class. He's only got a couple days left and then he's done. I really can't wait because we're almost home...
Yeah it was DE-lish! But only cuz III cut up the onions and garlic! It's delightfulness had nothing to do with the recipe at all...;) I'm pretty sure it would be awesome with kidney beans as well, we will be making it again I hope!
Wow! That sounds and looks delicious! I love the look of that cookbook - we all love beans here and some new recipes would be awesome. I'll have to check it out on Amazon.
Oh, by the way, I soaked and cooked some beans today - they cooked for nearly eight hours before they got soft! What the heck is up with that?!
Dave is so goofy... Definitely doesn't have a self-esteem issue, now does he! ;)
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